School of Business scholarship application


School of Business Scholarship Application for 2025-2026

School of Business Scholarship Application for 2025-2026

Before submitting the application, please review the Scholarship Requirements HERE. Select only those Scholarships in which you qualify. 

It is your responsibility to make sure you have the correct selection for which you apply and the correct GPA, which you can view in GATEWAY.  Inaccurate Scholarship information is subject to disqualification.

All fields are required.  The Deadline for submission is FEBRUARY 18, 2025 at 12:00 Midnight.

Scholarship Selections

Refer to the Scholarship Requirements before making your selection, then indicate the appropriate answer if you qualify.
Daniel and Audra Deviney *
Nathan's *
Truett-Smith *
C.C. Lockwood *
Arline Spraberry *
James Williamson *
Yates Accounting *

Student Information

Street or PO Address (Include Apt. #)
Employment Status *
Enrollment Status *
(This does not include your current semester hours.)
(Current Semester Hrs. + Cumulative Hours Earned)
Classification *
I understand if I am chosen to receive this scholarship, I am required to write a letter of thanks to the contributor of the scholarship and provide a copy of the letter to the School of Business on or before the required deadline. *
I understand that all fields in this application must be complete. Failure to complete all fields may result in the application not being considered. *

Apply Now!

 Ready to get started on your lifelong journey as an HPU Yellow Jacket?​ Apply for free today!